The 2022 SNAME Maritime Convention was successfully completed in Houston, TX on September 29, 2022. In response to attendees' high demand, on this webpage you can find presentations given during SMC 2022 Panel Sessions, Topical Breakfasts, and Presentation-only Sessions. The list includes just those presentations whose presenters have given a written permission to SNAME to share them with event attendees.
Power Ships by Wind
Future Polar Shipping & Marine Operations
SNAME J-Reg JIP (Jack-up Renewable Energy Guidelines)
Green Transport - Towards Zero-Emissions Waterborne Transport
SMC-006, Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Simplify Provisioning of Navy Standard Requirements by Steve Boisvert and Vicky Dlugokecki.
SMC-035, Quality Assurance for Additively Manufactured Parts Produced for Maritime Applications by M. Kevin Mandeville, Jr.
SMC-039, The Effect on the Hull Global Analysis by the Topside Module Idealization Method by Joon-Gyu Seo, Ho-Yun Kang, and Jung-Ki Park
SMC-050, Streamlining Structural Design Through the Ship Design Spiral by William Champagne
SMC-075, Evaluating Surface Preparation for Maintenance Recoating: Testing Waterjetting, Salts, Inhibitors by Alexander Petkas
SMC-078, Windfarm SOV: The Pathway to a Fully Decarbonized Vessel by Shanna Hawkins and Tiernan Power
SMC-109, Arctic LNG Environmental Trade-offs & Supply Chain Infrastructure by Andrew Miltimore