Outstanding Papers Contributed to a Meeting of SNAME or One of the Sections
Graduate Paper Honor Prize

Jeongsoo Ha | Seoul National University
Co-authors: Jongyeol Park, Gyukpo Park, Jaehun Kim, Jaeheon Kim, Jeonghwa Seo, and Shin Hyung Rhee
for their paper "Propulsion Performance Analysis of a Partially Submerged Propeller"
Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize

Hannah Laudenslager, Jack Derry, and Daniel Neville | United States Coast Guard Academy
for their paper "Totally Enclosed Lifeboats: An Assessment of the LSA Code Stability Requirements"
Undergraduate Paper Award

Gregory B. Harrison and Adam Cohen | Stevens Institute of Technology
for their paper "Concept Design and Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Small Dry Submersible"
About The Student Paper Awards
Award Recipients
About The Student Paper Awards
The Student Paper Awards are awarded annually for papers presented by students at a meeting of SNAME or one of the student or professional sections. There are 4 Student Paper Awards:
• Graduate Honor Prize - $600.00 Cash Prize
• Graduate Paper Award - $400.00 Cash Prize
• Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - $600.00 Cash Prize
• Undergraduate Paper Award - $400.00 Cash Prize
The Student Paper Awards, first created in 1944 as the Junior Paper Award, were changed to the Student Paper Awards in 1950. The prizes may be awarded annually but not more often for outstanding papers contributed to a meeting of SNAME or one of the sections.
By action of the Executive Committee in 1956 and as amended by Council in 1971, the following regulations pertain to the Student Paper Awards:
a. Student Paper Honor Prizes and Student Paper Awards are awarded for the preparation and presentation of papers of outstanding merit and originality at the student level contributed to a meeting of SNAME or one of the student or professional sections.
b. The awards are designated as:
• Graduate Paper Honor Prize
• Graduate Paper Award
• Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize
• Undergraduate Paper Award
c. The Paper Honor Prizes shall consist of a suitable citation, a cash prize of $600.00 for the paper.
The Paper Awards shall consist of a suitable citation, a cash award of $400.00 for the paper.
d. In judging papers, the two categories, Graduate and Undergraduate, will be separately recognized and evaluated.
e. To be eligible for the Graduate Honor Prize or Award, a paper must have been prepared and presented by a student or students while registered in a recognized engineering school following a program leading to an advanced degree, or other program approved by his/her institution, except as provided in item (g). His/her rate of academic progress must be considered by his/her institution as at least one-third that of a full-time student. Faculty members may be designated as co-authors of submitted papers.
f. To be eligible for the Undergraduate Honor Prize or Award, a paper must have been prepared and presented by a student or students while registered in a recognized engineering school following a program leading to his/her first B.S. degree or equivalent, except as provided in item (h). His/her rate of academic progress must be considered by his/her institution as at least one-third that of a full-time student. Faculty members may be designated as co-authors of submitted papers.
g. SNAME membership for student authors is required. SNAME membership for authors other than students is preferred but not required.
h. The prizes and awards may be made for a paper based on a student's thesis, provided the final manuscript has been accepted by the Program Committee of a SNAME event or by one of the student or professional sections not more than six months after the thesis report has been accepted by the student's institution, and provided there has been no prior publication or presentation except as may be required by his/her institution. Papers should meet Student Paper Criteria and adhere to the formatting guidelines as suggested on the SNAME Paper Template.
i. The Honor Prizes and Awards shall be made by the Council upon recommendation of the Awards Committee based on self-nominations or nominations by one of the professional sections of SNAME, the SNAME Maritime Convention Technical Program Committee, Student Section Advisors, or Papers Committees of SNAME events. Nominations shall be accompanied by the completed nomination form and shall include the paper and biographical data establishing the author's eligibility.
j. The maximum funds available in each year shall be established in advance by the Executive Committee. The number of Honor Prizes or Awards each year shall be at the discretion of the Awards Committee up to the amount of funds available.
k. Nominations for student papers awards must be submitted online via the SNAME website by 15 June.
l. Nominations are evaluated by a 3-member ad-hoc committee appointed by the SNAME Awards Committee. The ad-hoc committee reviews the papers and submits its recommendations to the Awards Committee for approval. Then Honor Prizes and Awards are reported to Council by the Awards Committee.
m. Awards are presented at the annual SNAME Maritime Convention.
Award Recipients
2024 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Jeongsoo Ha, and co-authors Co-authors: Jongyeol Park, Gyukpo Park, Jaehun Kim, Jaeheon Kim, Jeonghwa Seo, and Shin Hyung Rhee, Seoul National University for their paper "Propulsion Performance Analysis of a Partially Submerged Propeller" Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Hannah Laudenslager, Jack Derry, and Daniel Neville, United States Coast Guard Academy for their paper "Totally Enclosed Lifeboats: An Assessment of the LSA Code Stability Requirements" Undergraduate Paper Award - Gregory B. Harrison and Adam Cohen, Stevens Institute of Technology for their paper "Concept Design and Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Small Dry Submersible" |
2023 | No recipients |
2022 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Christian Velasco-Gallego, University of Strathclyde for his paper "A Real-Time Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection Framework for Fault Diagnosis of Marine Machinery Systems" presented to Western Europe Section's 11th Annual Symposium on October 8, 2021. Graduate Paper Award - Ahmed A. Hamada, Abigail Rolen, and William McCullough, Texas A&M University for their paper "Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Wave Characteristics on PTO of Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter" presented to 27th Offshore Symposium on February 22, 2022. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Calder Hartigan, Webb Institute for his paper "A Numerical Investigation of Unsteady Surge Effects in Slender Hulls" presented to the New York Metropolitan Section Student Papers Night on April 13, 2022. Undergraduate Paper Award - Benjamin Lilly, Webb Institute for his paper "Analysis and Optimization of Power Plant Selection for Harbor Tugboats" presented to the New York Metropolitan Section Student Papers Night on April 13, 2022. |
2021 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Aaro Karola, Aalto University for his paper "Nonlinear Effects in Wave Loads Analysis for a Mega Cruise Liner" presented to Western Europe Section on June 15, 2021. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Benjamin S. Hunt and Alexander Koziol IV, Webb Institute for their paper "Developing an Optimization and Design Tool for Marine Electrical Systems" presented to New York Met Section on April 21, 2021. Undergraduate Paper Award - Maxwell C. Buchanan, Mary K. Decker, Richard P. O'Leary, and Megan A. Wadleigh, United States Coast Guard Academy for their paper "Small Icebreaker Design: The SIB-70X" presented to New England Section on April 30, 2021. |
2020 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Rebecca Thistle and Brian Veitch, Memorial University of Newfoundland for their paper "An Evidence-Based Method of Training to Targeted Levels of Performance" presented at the 2019 SNAME Maritime Convention. Graduate Paper Award - M. Javad Javaherian, Christine Gilbert, and Zhongshu Ren, Virginia Tech for their paper "Flow Visualization, Hydrodynamics, and Structural Response of a Flexible Wedge in Water Entry Experiments" presented at the 2019 SNAME Maritime Convention. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Kritonas Dionysiou, University of Strathclyde for his paper "Analysis of Safety Implications for The Power Plant Auxiliary Systems of Cruise Ships" presented at the Western Europe Section’s 9th Annual Symposium on October 11, 2019. Undergraduate Paper Award - Jessica M. Puodziunas and J. Ryan Somero, Viriginia Tech for their paper "Predicting Ship Maneuvering through Machine Learning" presented to the Hampton Roads Section on January 21, 2020. |
2019 |
Graduate Paper Award - Prize Rayan Bou-Chahine, University of Strathclyde for his paper “Air Supported Vessel’s Efficiency Compared to Standardized Design by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics” presented at the Western Europe Section’s 9th Annual Symposium on October 12, 2018. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Matthew J. Lynch, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy for his paper “Subsea Performance Efficiency in Robotic Applications” presented at the Student Papers Night of SNAME NY Met Section on April 2, 2019. Undergraduate Paper Award - 1/c Stephen Bruno, 1/c Jack Phillips, and 1/c Noah Harper, United States Coast Guard Academy for their paper “Northern Inland Towing Vessel” presented to the Philadelphia Section on April 24, 2019. |
2018 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Antonio Gallardo Martínez, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) for his paper “Investigation of the Air Lubrication Effect on Ship Friction Resistance” presented at the Western Europe Section’s 8th Annual Symposium on October 14, 2017. |
2017 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Jacobo Arévalo Fuentes and Rafael D'amore-Domenech, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for their paper "Towable TLP Solution for Offshore Wind" presented at the SNAME WES 7th Annual Symposium on October 14, 2016. Graduate Paper Award - Akshay Bhatt, Andrew Cooper, James Harris, and Gabriella Holcombe, University College London for their paper "Amphibious Assault and Aviation Training Ship Class:Landing Helicopter Assault & Training (LHAT)" presented at the SNAME WES 7th Annual Symposium on October 14, 2016. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Dimitris G. Georgiadis and Emmanuel S. Samuelides, National Technical University of Athens for their paper "Conversion of an Oil Tanker into FPSO: Strength and Reliability Assessment" presented to the Greek Section on January 26, 2017. Undergraduate Paper Award - Daniel Vegel, United States Naval Academy for his paper "An Evaluation of Chinese Naval Shipbuilding with the Analysis of the Process and Capabilities of the Type 022 Missile Boat" presented at the ASNE Flagship and SNAME Chesapeake Joint Meeting on April 20, 2017.
2016 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Dongchi Yu and Pierre Lecointre, University of California at Berkeley for their paper “Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Wave-Resistance Reduction of Asymmetric Di-Hull Systems by Exploiting Interference Effects” presented to the Northern California Section on March 16, 2016. Graduate Paper Award - No recommendation Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - 1/c Kasun Athukorala, 1/c Avery Fanning, and 1/c Matthew Orgill United States Coast Guard Academy for their paper “The Modular Patrol Cutter A solution to the U.S. Coast Guard’s need for a new affordable cutter” presented to the New England Section on April 14, 2016. Undergraduate Paper Award - MIDN Thomas Wilson, USN, United States Naval Academy for his paper “Improvements to the Resistance and Maneuvering Characteristics of the USNA Concrete Canoe” presented to the Chesapeake Section on April 21, 2016.
2015 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - David Hansch for his paper "The Effect of Shallow Water on Roll Damping and Rolling Period". Graduate Paper Award - Jocelyn Kluger, Themistoklis P. Sapsis, and Alexander H. Slocum for their paper "Robust Energy Harvesting from Walking Vibrations by means of Nonlinear Cantilever Beams". Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - ENS Duncan R. Mamer, USN for his paper "Creating an Ultra-Lightweight Canoe". Undergraduate Paper Award - David Larson for his paper "Dinghy Surge Response to Rolling Maneuver for Aerodynamic Analysis".
2014 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Lu Wang for his paper "Nonlinear Waves Generated by a Moving Pressure Patch in Arbitrary Water Depth and the Implied Zero-Wave-Resistance (ZWR) Conditions". Graduate Paper Award - Lt. Jeff White, Lt. Matt Williams, and Lt. Ryan Zachar for their paper "LCS Heavy Lift Tender (AL-1)". Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Connor Timmins for his paper "Yaw Stability of a Recreational Stepped Planing Hull". Undergraduate Paper Award - Michael Caballero, David Carrier, John Hamel, and Lena Ludewig for their paper "Design of a Duel-Fueled, New Panamax Containership".
2013 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Austin Barnes, John F. Casilio, Michael D. Frederick, Jerica Nolte, and Andrew K. Schwartz for their paper "Conceptual Design of a Floating Offshore Wind Farm for Hawaii". Graduate Paper Award - Alex B. Knoll, Todd M. Shipman, and Ginny Whisenhunt for their paper "Ocean Engineering Human Powered Submarines: Past, Present and Future". Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Clayton K. Callander for his paper "Wake Prediction Behind Planing Hulls". Undergraduate Paper Award - Catherine M. Walker, Kellen A. Stock, Alexandria M. Fell, and Steven T. Suggs for their paper "Design of an Arctic Offshore Supply Vessel (AOSV), AMMANIQ".
2012 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Carl K. Bodin, Konstantinos Nestoras, Katherine Gerhard for their paper "CVU: Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicle Carrier". Graduate Paper Award- Christopher Cochet for his paper "Hydrodynamics Performance of a Compound Cylinder Extracting Ocean-Wave Energy". Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - Duncan C. Brotzman, Bryce A. Ford, Michael G. Freyman, Abel J. Medellin, Arnold Valle, Cynthia Vittone for their paper "Student Design of a Semi-Submersible Floating Production System for the Gulf of Mexico" Undergraduate Paper Award - C. Graham Tyson for his paper "Feasibility Study for a Symmetrical Hulled Hydrofoil Supported Catamaran".
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Gregory A. Crawford,Timothy J. Emge, and Evangelos Koutsolelos
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - DimitriosLaskosfor hispaper“Design Methods for Optimum Contra-Rotating Propellers” presented to the New England Section on February 18, 2010.
Graduate Paper Honor Prize
- David Hanthorn, Eli Sewell and Nadia Tepper, for their paper “LPD-17 Hospital Ship Varient” presented to the New England Section on February 19, 2009.
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - Jonathan D. Elkin for his paper “Hydrodynamic Pecularities of Catamaran-Like Hull Sections” presented to the Northern California Section on February 20, 2008. |
2000 |
Graduate Paper Honor Prize - MICHAEL J. GRIFFIN for his paper “Numerical Prediction of the Forces and Moments on Submerge Bodies Operating Near the Free Surface” presented to the New England Section on January 26, 2000. Graduate Paper Award - PETER W. GOODING for his paper “Collision with a Crushable Bow” presented to the New England Section on January 26, 2000. Undergraduate Paper Honor Prize - WHITNEY A. CORNFORTH and KATHERINE CROFF for their paper “Development of an Environment–Sensitive Navigation System for the AUV Autolycus” presented to the New England Section on January 26, 2000. Undergraduate Paper Award - TYSON J. SCOFIELD for his paper “Green Engines Methods for Implementing the New MARPOL 73/78 Regulations” presented to the New England Section on January 26, 2000.