Northern California Section Presentation on the "BLUE ORACLE Project"
On Thursday, June 6th the NorCal SNAME Section Meeting was graciously hosted by the Richmond Yacht Club and sponsored by a trio of prestigious SNAME supporting local Bay Area companies in Ocergy, Bay Ship & Yacht and C&C Panasia.
Our honored speaker was Dominique Roddier, CEO of Ocergy & SNAME Fellow presenting the highlights of the ‘Buoy with Lidar & Underwater Equipment for Ocean Resource Assessment & Characterization of Life in the Environment’ better known as the BLUE ORACLE Project.
OCG-Data is a zero-emission environmental monitoring buoy that offers unparalleled performance with excellent motion characteristics for a complete biodiversity assessment and metocean data acquisition. The talk covered the design, fabrication, installation and the first year of data acquisition and analysis of Ocergy’s demonstration unit installed in the western Mediterranean Sea in 2023. The results on the metocean conditions measured and the characterization of turbulence at sea and the results of Avian and marine bio0diversity was presented.
The well-attended event included those in the local maritime community, RYC members as well as friends & families. Such a dynamic synergy of the local NorCal SNAME community, a trio group of sponsors and the members of RYC hospitality and inviting we look forward to continuing joint events together in the future.