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T&R Bulletin 6-03 Guidelines for Reducing Underwater Radiated Noise From Commercial Vessels (2025)


SNAME’s Panel EC-14 on Underwater Radiated Noise is pleased to announce the creation of Technology and Research Bulletin 6-03, Guidelines for Reducing Underwater Radiated Noise from Commercial Vessels. This Bulletin will assist owners, operators, and designers develop vessel designs with reduced underwater radiated noise (URN). URN is a concern for the health of aquatic ecosystems and human communities around the world. In response to the various documented impacts of vessel generated URN on marine mammals, fish, and invertebrates, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently created the Revised Guidelines for the Reduction of Underwater Radiated Noise from Shipping to Address Adverse Impacts on Marine Life. IMO member states and NGOs have stated their agreement that commercial shipping is a primary contributor to URN and its associated impacts. To reduce these impacts, URN needs to be considered when implementing the approach to design and operation of commercial vessels of all types. Historically, reductions in URN have not been a design goal for most commercial vessels. Fortunately, there are existing tools, methodologies, and expertise available to design quieter vessels. However, these items are utilized only when owners require noise reductions as a design goal. T&R 6-03 provides practical knowledge that will support development and construction of quiet vessel designs.

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