T&R Bulletin 3-47 (2015) supersedes the existing T&R Bulletin 3-47 (1989).
This guide covers progressive speed, maneuvering, and endurance sea trials of self-propelled surface ships displacing 300 tonnes or more, powered by hydrocarbon fuels such as petroleum, natural gas or biofuel, and driven by diesel or Otto-cycle engines, gas turbine, or electric motors. References are made to applicable international standards. This Bulletin does not cover dock trials, tests, or demonstrations that can be conducted dockside, which are covered in SNAME T&R Bulletin 3-39, Guide for Shop and Installation Tests. This Guide is intended to assist users in applying IMO maneuvering standards and to allow the owner, designer, and builder to rate the vessel’s maneuvering performance relative to statistical data of vessel maneuvering characteristics. The Guide summarizes the procedures to be used in assessing a vessel’s maneuvering performance.