The purpose of this bulletin is to set forth data and practices for determining the performance of marine gas turbine power plants. This report is applicable to both the aircraft derivative and industrial types. It is intended that this guide is used for evaluating the performance of gas turbine propelled ships as compared with those propelled by diesel engines or steam turbines. In order to simplify and standardize these evaluations, the ambient condition selected, the heat content of the fuel and other allowances used are the same as or compatible with those in the SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-11 “Marine Steam Power Plant Heat Balance Practices”.
This report includes methods for comparing gas turbine performances when burning light, medium, and heavy fuel oil, as well as methods for determining the performance when the ambient condition are other than those selected as standard. Every effort has hen made to keep this report as reasonable and fair as possible and close to the general practice of the industry, without curtailing individual initiative. When in the development of a design, specific data for a particular application becomes available, these data should be used in preference to the data given herein. Throughout this bulletin, reference is frequently made to the SNAME Technical and Research Bulletin 3-11. “Marine Steam power Plant Heat Balance Practices”, and Bulletin 3-27, “Marine Diesel Power Plant Performance Practices”, where data on steam auxiliaries is required. Where referenced, they are referred to as T & R 3-11 or T & R 3-27.