ISBN: 0-939773-65-1
195 pages ♦ Soft Cover ♦ 1 lb
Marine Powering Prediction and Propulsors
by Neil Bose (2008)
This book by Professor Neil Bose is an excellent interpretation of the hydrodynamics of the prediction of ship powering performance of various types of ship propulsors. It is based on extensive studies carried out by Professor Bose and his students over the last several years at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, and his long association with the Institute for Ocean Technology (IOT), National Research Council of Canada. As a result of his International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) technical committee membership, he has captured the accepted international state-of-the-art of ship powering prediction.
Professor Bose has extensively discussed most types of ship propulsors, including oscillating foils and wind-assisted propulsion devices. He has included a general discussion of ship resistance and the prediction of powering performance from model tests, primarily for conventional screw propellers. He has included the problems of screw propellers operating in ice, particularly with regard to strength. He has incorporated extensive lists of references and has included examples to be worked by the reader. As such, the book should be particularly useful to students and those responsible for making powering predictions, especially to those getting started in the field.
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