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O-36 Maritime Economics

SNAME's Maritime Economics Panel brings together those members of SNAME who have an interest in economic aspects of marine construction and marine transportation.  Many of our investigations have concerned demand forecasting and market analysis for new and emerging technologies and transportation service offerings.  We recently hosted an insightful program at the SNAME Annual Meeting respecting the treatment of risk in maritime disciplines that engaged experts in the field with the maritime community in a multi-session panel and workshop.  The panel also organized a T&R session on America’s Marine Highways, featuring multiple presentations for a broad SNAME audience.
   If you're visiting our site for the first time, I'd encourage you to peruse the Workshops page and our Library, where copies of electronic files associated with our past programs reside.
   If you are not yet a panel member and would like to join, a membership application you can fill out and return to me follows:  Mr. Joannes Gullaksen,

If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact the Committee Chair

Committee Members