Certificates of Appreciation are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding, dedicated service to SNAME

Suzanne M. Beckstoffer | Newport News Shipbuilding (Retired) | Hampton Roads
In appreciation for her outstanding leadership and commitment to getting annual SNAME Transactions updated

Paige Bodnar | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Canadian Atlantic
In appreciation for delivering volunteer and student participation at MARITECH 2024

Donald D. Burris | KBR | Texas
In appreciation for serving as the Functional Vice President (FVP) Planning

William Champagne | InnovMarine | Eastern Canadian
In appreciation for his dedicated service and leadership as the Membership Committee Chair

Edward N. Comstock | Independent Naval Architect | Hampton Roads
In appreciation for his extraordinary service and support to the SNAME Executive Committee as advisor, mentor, and leader

William H. Garzke, Jr. | CACI | Chesapeake
In appreciation of his efforts as the Founder and 29 years as Chair of the Marine Forensics Committee

Nick Hunter | NETSCo, Inc. | Great Lakes / Great Rivers
In appreciation for his leadership in planning for and executing the 2024 SNAME Leadership Summit

Barbara Lamb | Retired | Southwest
In appreciation for her outstanding leadership and service as Chair of the SNAME Governance Sub-Committee

Dan McGreer | University of British Columbia | Canadian Pacific
In appreciation of his leadership in planning and execution of Maritech 2023

Susan Partin Noste | Naval Architect/Marine Engineer | Gulf
In appreciation for her leadership in rebuilding the Gulf Section

Gina Pecore | Genoa Design International | Canadian Atlantic
In appreciation for her leadership and guidance of the DEIB panel at MARITECH 2024

Thomas Perrine | Retired | Gulf
In appreciation for his leadership in rebuilding the Gulf Section

Paul J. Roden | Lighthouse Point Government Relations | Chesapeake
In appreciation for serving as the Functional Vice President (FVP) Finance

Zac Schramm | LamaLo USA | Southwest
In appreciation for serving as the Chair of the 2023 SNAME Maritime Convention
In appreciation for reinvigorating the Canadian Atlantic Section

Yousra Abdelhady | Transport Canada
Laurie Balan | Genoa Design
Frederick Carew | Fleetway Inc.
Pranaya Chakraborty | Fleetway Inc.
Laura Lessard | Fleetway Inc.
David Males | SSI
Stephanie Myers | Transport Canada
Heather Peng | Memorial University
Danielle Pinksen | SSI
James Pope | Fleetway Inc.
Winston Pynn | Marine Institute of Memorial University
Certificate Recipients
2024 Suzanne M. Beckstoffer, Paige Bodnar, Donald D. Burris, William Champagne, Edward N. Comstock, William H. Garzke, Jr., Nick Hunter, Barbara Lamb, Dan McGreer, Susan Partin Noste, Gina Pecore, Thomas Perrine, Paul J. Roden, Zac Schramm, Yousra Abdelhady, Laurie A. Balasubramanian, Frederick Carew, Pranaya Chakraborty, Laura Lessard, David Males, Stephanie Myers, Heather Peng, Danielle Pinksen, James Pope, Winston Pynn
2023 Tim Arcano, Brian Eisenhower, William B. Hale, Paul C Jackson, Steve Leverette, Edward G. Stokes, Matthew Unger
2022 Christopher D. Barry, William H. Cowardin, Jr., Norbert H. Doerry, Nathan Tyler Hagan, Paul C. Jackson, Justin Klag, Ernesto V. Luzzatto, Maggie Nate, Baron C. Wilson
2021 James N. Brekke, William H. Cowardin, Jr., Christine M. Gilbert, Donald M. Hamadyk, William L. Hurley, Jr., Steve Leverette, Jane Louie, Naresh M. Maniar, Richard A. Mueller, Glenn E. Walters
2020 Frederick H. Ashcroft, Tom Eccles, Chris B. McKesson, Eric G. Paterson, Paul J. Roden
2019 Philip C. Koenig, Kenneth R. Lane, Edward M. Lewandowski, Chris B. McKesson, R. Keith Michel, Peter G. Noble, Alan L. Rowen*
2018 Ajith P J, Raju Datla, Thalía Krüger, John A. Malone, Edward G. Stokes, Xiaozhi (Christina) Wang
2017 David S. Chapman, Brian P. R. Eisenhower, Frederick Gordon, Nathan Tyler Hagan, William B. Hale, Stephen G. Kemp*, Jennifer Lin, Ernesto V. Luzzatto, Walter M. Maclean*, Alberto Morandi, Paul J. Roden, Lars Ronning, Alan L. Rowen*, David J. Soukup
2016 Roger Basu, Todd Grove, Hans-Georg Payer, Bruce Rosenblatt, Matthew Tedesco, Krish Thiagarajan, Mary Saady, David Singer