Member Spotlight - René J. Leonard

René J. Leonard began his career as a college intern working at Bollinger Shipyards in 1990, and went on to work for the company for 25 years. He has a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the University of New Orleans, earned a MS degree in Engineering Management, and a certification as a Project Management Professional through Project Management Institute at the University of New Orleans. Currently, René is Vice President of Engineering and Program Management at Conrad Shipyard, LLC.
Recently, SNAME Gulf Section Member Ariell Anderson interviewed René about his career for the Genesis Technical & Industrial Staffing newsletter. To read more about René's experience click here.
“Having joined SNAME as a student member more than 30 years ago provided early benefits, including the opportunity to earn scholarships which helped offset some of my education related expenses. Continued participation throughout the years has provided many advantages, including knowledge gained from technical presentations at various meetings and conferences along with access to a large knowledge base of technical data and reference material. Additionally, committee participation and speaking at the Maritime Convention have been rewarding activities that offered an opportunity to stay engaged with the organization. While each of those events or activities were fulfilling in some way, the biggest advantage of participating in SNAME over the years has been the social networking aspect of the organization. The relationships that have been established throughout the years have been rewarding, both professionally and personally," says René of his experience as a longtime SNAME Member.